To comply with the applicable laws and regulations and provide all Users with security and peace of mind, you are now informed that under Law 34/2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, that this website is owned by ROXANA KARINA SIRIOREAN JURCAN, owner of the Verbalia Traducciones brand (herein, VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES), with NIF 02382772H, and registered address in Calle Alemania, 23, Entlo. 4, 03003, Alicante, Spain, owner of the website www.verbaliatraducciones.com. She confirms that she is responsible for the files containing personal data supplied by users through the website and informs and notifies users of the website that the Privacy Policy governing the Protection of Personal Data under current legislation and in Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services.
Its purpose is to allow Users of the website to freely and voluntarily decide whether they wish to provide VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES with any personal data that may be required to connect with their use of the website and hire the services of VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES.
Uses, purposes and acceptance by users
Users authorise and voluntarily consent to the automatic processing of any personal data which they share freely and voluntarily in an electronic questionnaire, by email, telephone, fax or when hiring any of the company’s services.
Users therefore accept and give their express consent to the processing of any data they might share in a personal data file.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES undertakes that any files containing personal data and any data shared by data subjects will be used for specific purposes, especially for:
Management of the contractual and extra-contractual relationship with the company.
- Registration on the website as a registered User.
- Assessment and statistical study of customers.
- Sending marketing messages, advertising, newsletters, news, and regular information.
- Management and administration of the services to which users subscribe and the administration of the subscribed service.
- Incident management.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES undertakes to notify Users in writing and in a reliable manner of all extensions, modifications, or extensions to the purposes and uses given to the automated treatment of users’ data.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES informs Users that they must share certain data in certain cases; however, this is expressly specified. For example, these cases include registering as a user, and VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES reserves the right to refuse registration to anyone who does not provide such data. In forms used to collect personal data, fields mandatory for registration and others whose completion is voluntary will be identified depending on the information available to the person concerned and the technical and material knowledge available to the User.
Ownership of the data
Files created as a result of registration on the website using a questionnaire or email, or directly through the acquisition of a service, will be the property and responsibility of ROXANA KARINA SIRIOREAN JURCAN, owner of the trademark Verbalia Traducciones, with NIF number 02382772H, with registered address at Calle Alemania, 23, Entlo. 4, 03003, Alicante, Spain, owner of the website www.verbaliatraducciones.com
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES, assumes the responsibility of use according to the regulations established in the Personal Data Protection Law and assures that it has adopted all the technical and organisational security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the information, according to the established in the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, on Personal Data Protection and in the Regulation 994/1999, of 14 June, which complements it.
Data Transfers
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES undertakes not to transfer or communicate any personal data provided by the User, except for those cases in which it is necessary to improve service quality, all of them included in the contractual relationship with VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES. The owner of the data expressly authorises the transfer of the data subject to processing in these cases, and VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES undertakes to request a new authorisation from the User, expressly and in writing if it is necessary to transfer the data for other purposes not specified in this clause.
User rights
Users are informed that their consent to data processing may be revoked at any time under the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999. Consequently, data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition at any time in the terms set out in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, using a written and reliable communication sent by registered post to Calle Alemania, 23, Entlo. 4, 03003, Alicante, Spain, owner of the website www.verbaliatraducciones.com, or by email sent to info@verbaliatraducciones.com, or any other means that proves that it has been sent to the person responsible. Data subjects must provide their identifying information, a photocopy of their National Identity Card, postal address, telephone number, contact person, email, and a written explanation of which right they wish to exercise, as well as its causes in this communication.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES undertakes to reveal the data gathered, the purposes and uses for which they were provided and processed in the case of exercising the right of access, modify and correct them when exercising the right of rectification, ceasing their processing when exercising the right of opposition or erase them when exercising the right of erasure. In the latter case, and under the legal provisions established in article 16 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, about Personal Data Protection, VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES will store them, even after the relationship has finished and, in any case, during the legally established periods, solely and exclusively to make them available to administrative or judicial authorities where necessary and when they are expressly asked to do so.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES, as the Data Officer responsible for the file and the Internet website, guarantees full compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Personal Data Protection and Regulation 994/1999, of 14 June, which complements it, and guarantees due compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services, regarding information for the data subject and unsolicited marketing messages and spamming.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES also guarantees the confidentiality of communication with the User, as well as the due and diligent processing of all personal data provided by the User.
VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES undertakes not to reveal any confidential information or any data subject to processing, except in the cases where it is required to do so by law or by the competent public authorities to comply with applicable legal and regulatory provisions.
Right to modify and erase data
Users may modify or request the erasure of their data at any time, following the law on the protection of confidentiality – n° 675/96 of 31.12.1996.
Information Society Act
Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, under Law 34/2002, of 11 July on the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the express authorisation of the User is requested before sending marketing information about new services and offers from VERBALIA TRADUCCIONES, by email or any other equivalent electronic means of communication. Therefore, Users who do not wish to receive marketing or advertising information must expressly specify this in this clause or send an email to info@verbaliatraducciones.com, indicating their express wish not to receive marketing, promotional or advertising messages.
This website uses cookies, but under no circumstances do they process personal data, track user browsing habits, nor do we use them for advertising purposes. They are therefore exempt from compliance with the obligations established in article 22 of the Information Society Services Act. However, Users consent to the use of cookies that allow us to communicate between the User’s computer and the network, provide a service expressly requested by the User, user authentication or identification (session only), provide user security, multimedia player sessions, load balancing sessions, customisation of the user interface and plug-ins and for sharing social content. In any case, Users may disable or delete these cookies by following the instructions of their Internet browser.
Resolving disputes
The parties waive their own jurisdictions and agree to be bound by Spanish law as the governing legislation of this agreement in the event of any dispute in its interpretation or fulfilment, submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of Alicante to resolve any disputes in connection with this agreement.